These Flood Protection Tips Could Save You Thousands

These Flood Protection Tips Could Save You Thousands

Dealing with a flood can overwhelm even the most level-headed person. What will be destroyed? How much will the damage cost? It’s possible to minimize these issues with careful preparation and planning. Here are some of the best and time-trusted flood protection tips that can keep you and your home safe.

Have an Emergency Radio on Hand

If you live in an area prone to flooding, it’s important to recognize when there’s a flood watch or warning early on. An emergency radio has an alarm that goes off and alerts you to what’s happening. Many can run on batteries, while others are crank-powered. Some even double as flashlights, which can be useful when the electricity goes out.

Keep Important Documents and Supplies in a Safe Place

Important papers and certificates not stored in a waterproof lockbox are at risk of getting damaged. Having a complete list of important documents can make it easier to gather everything and put it somewhere safe. You’ll avoid the cost of getting copies and have peace of mind that everything important is stored away safely.

Know What to Do for Pets

Decide what you’ll do with pets in the event of an emergency flood. Animals can be just as stressed out as humans in these circumstances, and they might not be as docile or friendly as usual. Have a pet first aid kit on hand in case of accidents and know how to handle your pets when they’re scared. Keep a list of where their favorite hiding places are since they may try to find somewhere safe to hunker down.

Plan an Evacuation Route

Seeing a flood rise can cause even the most prepared individuals to panic. Before this happens, create a plan with other members of your household and determine the safest ways to exit the home. Practice your escape routes regularly so you know what to do in the event of an emergency.

Know How to Use Sandbags

Sandbags can reduce the amount of water that reaches inside your home if flooding is brief and doesn’t rise above two feet. They won’t seal out the water, but they can substantially slow it down when used correctly. Make sure to fill the bags no more than halfway, stagger them like bricks when stacking and use over sheets of plastic for additional protection. Take care when disposing of used sandbags since flood water can contain toxic and infectious materials.

Invest in Flood Insurance

Flood insurance won’t prevent problems from happening, but it can help you replace what’s been lost or damaged if you do experience a flood. This can include repair work your home will need and the cost of furniture, electronics and other items. Taking out a policy can help your household recover even when everything feels lost.

Planning for a flood doesn’t need to be overwhelming, and a little preparation now could spare you a lot of heartache later. By tackling important topics such as where to store crucial documents and how to leave the home safely, you can feel confident and protected even when dealing with a catastrophe.

~Here’s to Your Success!

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