Finding ways to make extra cash when funds get tight can be tough. With food inflation, gas prices increasing, and the holiday season approaching, expenses are piling up for many. This is when side hustles can really come in handy.
Side hustles are small side jobs many people take on in order to earn the extra money they need. Depending on some side hustles, people can make up to an extra $1000 a month!
No matter the financial need, adding a couple of side jobs to your schedule can help alleviate financial concerns. Check out these 7 easy side hustles, and start earning your extra cash today!
1. Ride-Share Driving
This option is a great side hustle idea for those who enjoy driving! Options for this include Uber and Lyft, and both are very flexible.
You get to create your own schedule and decide where you do and don’t want to drive. You will see driving requests, and it’s entirely up to you whether you choose to take it or not.Â
As far as earnings, most ride-share drivers in the U.S make an average of $700 a week. This is a great option that can help you make an extra $2800 a month.
2. Pet Care
Enjoy dogs and cats? Then choosing to be a dog sitter or walker is a great option for you! There are apps like Rover and Wag that make it easy to find clients. Once your account is created, your name will be put up for all other app users to see.
If you’re someone who works remotely, this could be a great side hustle you can do at the same time as your primary job! Most pet sitters make on average about $13 an hour.
3. Deliver Food and Groceries
Similar to ride-share driving, this food delivery requires you to have a car and to have to drive places. Apps like Instacart, UberEats, and DoorDash can help you get started.
This has become one of the biggest growing trends in the U.S since the pandemic. Whether you’re a little too busy or you’re sick at home, getting groceries delivered is a major help. There’s a continually growing market for customers who want this service. Â
If you’re not a huge people-person, this is a great alternative to ride-share driving. However, you can still decide your schedule on your terms. The average monthly income for this side hustle can typically bring in an extra $600 a month.Â
4. Tutoring
Tutoring is a great side hustle for those who can extra cash while helping the community around them. You can advertise your services over social media or your neighborhood website. Who knows? There may be someone a few doors down from you who could use the help!
There are also apps that you can join to tutor online students all around the world. The one stipulation is most apps require a college degree of some sort. This side hustle can earn you up to $400 a month, and you can decide your hourly rates!
5. Create Things To Sell
Selling handmade trinkets and items is a great way to make some extra cash! If you’re someone who has the gifts of crafting, the holidays especially are a great time to pick up this side hustle.
The potential to make and sell things is limitless. Things can include DIY beauty products, household decorations, or practical tools.Â
Some great platforms to sell your homemade items can include Amazon and Etsy Depending on the quantity and success of your craft, you could make hundreds every month.
6. Be A Handyman
A great side hustle that can bring great business is being a handyman. There are constant household breaks that happen where someone needs someone to fix it.Â
Being a handyman can range anywhere from mounting televisions, setting up a smartphone, or building pieces of furniture. Depending on your area of expertise, handyman services can bring an average income of around $500 a month.Â
7. Help People Move
This side hustle includes more physical labor than the rest, but is another great option. Apps such as Dolly that can connect you to people in need of an extra hand when moving. You can choose what offers to take and when to work.
This can include helping people move homes, or helping to deliver furniture. The circumstance changes with each customer. On average, people who do this side hustle earn an additional $300 a month.Â