126 Meals for Less Than $40

126 Meals for Less Than $40

(MotivateDaily.com) – When finances are tight, you may need to be a little more selective about the groceries you buy. Eating can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to break your budget. There are plenty of meals you can make at home for a better price if you find the right ingredients.

Frugal Fit Mom proves in this video that, as long as you have some basic kitchen appliances and a few cheap ingredients, you can feed your family for almost nothing.

The examples FFM provides aren’t complex or difficult to make, either. For example, she often uses potatoes, which are highly nutritious, to stretch meals. But there are other options to help you enjoy a bit of flavor AND save, too — try these examples.

Eggs and Hashbrowns

It’s hard to go wrong with scrambled eggs and hashbrowns. Both are delicious, cheap and great for feeding a lot of people. You can either shred the potatoes or cut them into pieces for delectable hashbrowns.

Potato Pancakes

If you have eggs and flour, making pancakes out of mashed potatoes is quick and easy. All you need to do is mix the ingredients together and then cook the pancakes on the pan! Sour cream, salt or butter can make great additions to these pancakes if you have them available.


For her next trick, Frugal Fit Mom uses pinto beans, bouillon cubes and seasoning to make two meals. The first is beans and rice, and the second is bean and potato tacos. These recipes were big hits with her kids, so they could become a great money-saving option in your household as well.

Chili-Topped Baked Potatoes

Chili-topped baked potatoes can make a great lunch or dinner if you’re on a tight budget. You can save money by buying cans of chili at the store and using them to top your cooked potatoes. You might also consider getting a little creative with other toppings if you have them lying around the house.

Potato and Pork Chorizo Tacos

With a few potatoes, pork chorizo and tortillas, you can make amazing tacos for a low cost. This is a fun and easy meal to make, and it can last for several days depending on the number of people living in your home. Try this combination with scrambled eggs for delicious breakfast burritos.

Potato Cheese Soup

Are you craving a cheesy meal but lacking the funds for it? Then you may be able save money by using potatoes, evaporated milk and American cheese to make potato cheese soup. It’s easy to throw this meal together with just these few ingredients and a crockpot.

Potato Casserole

The last recipe on the list is potato casserole. You can bake this meal using shredded or chopped potatoes and a mixture of canned chicken soup, butter/margarine and sour cream. Other additives like cheese, salt and pepper can make this meal even more irresistible!

Many of us know what it’s like to have financial struggles, but it’s possible to wade through these challenges while keeping good food on the table. Watch the video above for more details about how to make these dishes. Or you might choose to get creative and develop some affordable meals of your own!

~Here’s to Your Success!

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